Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Good Example of One hand Does not know what the other hand is doing.

I got a Call today after Leaaving APAC stating "Do you know that you are being counted as a no call no show?" My Response was "Oh Really? Do you people even keep up with your management descisions. I No Longer work there you dumb bitch!" Then I hung the phone up.

This is a classic example of disorganization and not knowing what one hand is doing as opposed to the other. I mean Come on now! These idiots at WFM did not even know that I was no longer there. Pfft! Stupidity breeds inefficiency I guess

1 comment:

  1. It's because there are like 6 people working the entire WFM department, so they never get updated on anything, they're too busy. I hope you didn't yell at Sam, she's awesome. But that other bitchy mcbitchface...oh, I hope it was her.

    They're training some of the new WFM people now. You can tell because the ones who were generally assholes on the floor are assholes on a walkie too. Heh.
