Monday, February 15, 2010

Yet Another Blow to Companies Like APAC and Verizon

Read this link below and you will be disheartened

After Hearing about this through the media, I had a similar call where a gentleman had his payment completely taken from his social security check did not even have food enough to eat or money to pay for his heating bill. He had to SLeep in His pickup truck with the heater going all night! Can we say WOW! Yes granted I would never let a company take directly from my bank account, Some folks still follow the sheep like ways "If you auto pay it is eassier" Hmmm Not in this case so it seems.

Another thing that really irks me is that APAC's Advisors tell folks during their on the Job training that "WE DONT CARE!" Which means that we do not care about the customer's situation at a ll nor do we care about the customer. This attitude makes me wonder why APAC working off of Verizon;s policies and the above article proves my point. NEVER GET BEHIND ON YOUR BILL, because WE DO NOT CARE IF YOU ARE DEAD OR DYING ON THE ROAD OR OUT IN THE WILDERNESS.........Lovely!

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