Friday, February 19, 2010

Flaggers On Craigslist: A Response to our ad on Craigslist

Not only did I flag your post, I turned it into CL legal department. And I will EVERY TIME. I don't give a rat's ass about your experience at APAC. What I use this site for is to look for a job. That is CL terms. And that is what this site is for.

This is not your personal bitch board.

If you have a claim against APAC then sue them, otherwise;
what you are posting is deragatory, inflamatory and libelous. You can be sued by APAC for it. I am positive CL does not want to be involved with that and will remove your posts. If you continue, I will continue to turn them into legal until your rights are revoked. This is how the scammers, weight loss folks, poker buddies and all the crap on here that does not belong on here, gets removed. Trust you me, I have the ear of the legal department.

I am also positive your posts have been sent to APAC.

So, the real question isn't when will the flaggers get it, ITS when will YOU get it?

Our Response to this:

You Know Something,

People like you are what makes the world go round. My Posts are not inflammatory or whatever you said they are truth. and yes We are going to go up to the highest authority. You Can not and will not violate my second amendment rights for free speech. Nor Can Craigslist. There is a thing called many emails from many other posters. Why dont you flag them too, because it will not stop even if you get the legal department after me. APAC doesnt give a rats ass either of what is said about them . Look at my blog. Look at the links that I have posted. Have they gone after then....No they have not. I have verified it with each and every one of the posters on that site as well. If you look at Craigslist Terms and Conditions I am not doing any thing to APAC at all. I am Telling the Truth about their boiler room and wrongful practices.

My Final Word to you. Flag all you like talk to the legal department all you like because it will never stop comming in until We are satisfied with getting people to understand and Cry out NO MORE. Do as you will!

Side Note: The goal of this blog and of our readers is not to post derrogatory remarks and comments about APAC, Our Goal is to expose the wrongdoings that this compny has done to many of you hard working employees that have left for one reason or another. Apparently this person who flagged our posts just doesnt get it.

No What you as the Flagger of our post is infringing our rights to free speech given to us by the First Amendment: It states this about free speech.

From the US Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I suggest this flagger and Craigslist take note of what the First Amendment is.


  1. It appears the rebelion has been put down. People love to rant just to be heard. At the end of the day you meant nothing. Enjoy unemployement.

  2. What Rebellion? Just because your a douchebag who cannot see the company for who it is? Maybe your just a sheep like the rest of them. Who cares what your interpretation of our goal is. And many of us in this blog are not unemployed. I am sure you think it is fun to say what you say however we do have a goal. Fuck APAC and what they stand for. Go back and be a sheep with them if you agree.

  3. Actually I'm a dept manager of another center (not outsourced) here in Tucson. People like you are the reason we look look down on hiring former or current employees of APAC.

  4. Really,

    Wow I thought This was America! Nothing Like good old fashioned Communism to get the blood pumping, eh? And This blog is not just one person posting on here there are many of us. Imagine that. More than one of us posting here

  5. Communism, totalitarianism, fascism...those are all good words to describe the APAC management style and the toxic cloud of negativity which surrounds that place. Of course, these words might be too "big" to be understood by those uneducated dipshits.

    Speaking of uneducated, did it ever occur to anybody there to go to college and get a degree, and make something of their lives? The student loan debt incurred would be better than continuing to live in that living hell...
